dc.creatorLaverde Gallego, Diana Janneth
dc.creatorHernández Umaña, Bernardo Alfredo
dc.creatorManrique López, Juan Guillermo
dc.creatorBernal Giraldo, María Victoria
dc.creatorTobar Quiñones, José Pablo
dc.description.abstractThis research starts from the interest of a team of researchers made up of teaching researchers from the Institute of Peace and Development (IPAZDE) of the Santo Tomás University, the Sicomoro Foundation (Madrid, Spain) and two Institutional research groups, who have in common interest in the study of peace and complexity as a theoretical position to read social phenomena. The general purpose of the project is to understand the relationships between complexity and peace to generate investigative and interventional approaches (conceptual frameworks) about the concept of imperfect peace. For its development, a documentary review is contemplated to identify trends and advances in the conceptualization existing in the social sciences between peace and complexity, thus, the development of interviews with experts that allow evoking new reflections on the phenomenon of research addressed. The final products seek to contribute to the theoretical consolidation of IPAZDE through the elaboration of pedagogical material through audiovisual strategies and the production of an article as a result of research.
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleComplejidad y Paz
dc.typeFormación de Recurso Humano para la Ctel: Proyecto ejecutado con investigadores en empresas, industrias y Estado

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