dc.contributorZamora Escobar, Jairo
dc.creatorHernández Saavedra, Cindy Nataly
dc.identifierHernández, C. (2017). Informe práctica empresarial America International Group. Informe de práctica. Universidad Santo Tomás. Villavicencio.
dc.description.abstractAMERICA INTERNATIONAL GROUP (AIG) is located in the city of Bogotá. Likewise will be exposed each of the activities developed during the six months of professional practice and the contributions in both personal and professional. For this purpose, in a first moment and a brief review of the history of the company, its arrival in Colombia and its added value, stating the form and the achievement of positioning worldwide the one of the most successful companies and the greatest impact In the Insurance business Then, looking for evidence of the contents of the training process, mention should be made of the activities carried out in order of importance and the details needed to carry them out. Finally, a way will be presented to conclude the most significant apprenticeships of the work stay
dc.relationAmerica International Group . (2014).Empresas. Obtenido de https://www.aig.com.co/empresas
dc.relationAmerica International Group. (2014). Servicio al Cliente. Obtenido de https://www.aig.com.co/areas-apoyo/servicio-cliente
dc.relationAmerica International Group. (2014). Quien Somos. Obtenido de https://www.aig.com.co/quienes-somos/rsc
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.titleInforme práctica empresarial America International Group

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