dc.contributorJarpa Remaggi, Patricio Javier
dc.creatorArdila Estupiñan, Laura Juliana
dc.creatorAngarita Sierra, Alvaro Andrés
dc.identifierAngarita Sierra, A. A. y Ardila Estupiñán L. J. (2020). Eficacia de la fibrina rica en plaquetas en periodoncia. Una revisión sistemática. [Tesis de pregrado]. Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga, Colombia.
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractBackground. Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a second generation platelet concentrate developed by Chouckroun et al., in the early 2000s. This biomaterial had its beginnings in the dental profession and is frequently used in the areas of dental surgery, maxillofacial surgery, periodontics and implantology. Objective. Determine from the specialized scientific literature, the evidence reported in the last decade on the efficacy of Platelet Rich Fibrin in the improvement of periodontal parameters in periodontics area procedures. Methods. A systematic review of the reported scientific literature on the efficacy of PRF in periodontics in the period from 2009 to 2019 was performed, a search strategy was used in the databases Pubmed, Embase, Web of Science, Scielo and Scopus, it was they retrieved 725 scientific articles. The information was systematized in Microsoft Excel. Only controlled clinical trials that evaluated the clinical efficacy of PRF in periodontal procedures were included in this study, which the complete document was accessed and complied with an acceptable report quality after the application of the CONSORT checklist. Results. Twenty controlled clinical trials were included, all from the periodontics area, which were divided into 4 subareas: treatment of intrabone defects (12), gingival recessions (5), furcation injury (2) and oroantral communication (1). Regarding the quality of the report of the evaluated studies, it was considered good and acceptable. About bibliometric variables, the year with the highest number of publications was 2017 (35%), the country with the highest number of publications was India (65%) and all the studies were reported in English. According to the categories established for the efficacy variable according to the authors, the majority of the selected works reported efficacy of PRF (85%). Scientific evidence was found in favor of the fact that the combination of PRF with other compounds such as porous hydroxyapatite and anorganic bovine bone mineral or in conjunction with treatments such as open flap debridement, provides satisfactory results and evidence that in these cases the using of PRF can be considered a valid clinical practice. Likewise, in the treatment of intrabone defects, a statistically significant difference was found in favor of the use of PRF due to the improvement in clinical parameters. Several studies also report decreased pain reported by patients for the first postoperative week. In gingival recessions, however, the only parameter that showed a significant difference was gingival thickness. Conclusion. The literature shows that the use of PRF as a biomaterial in dental procedures in the periodontics area is effective in improving clinical parameters and postoperative symptoms, therefore, under the conditions described, its use is correct, alone and in combination with other compounds.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Odontología
dc.publisherFacultad de Odontología
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.titleEficacia de la fibrina rica en plaquetas en periodoncia. Una revisión sistemática.

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