Apropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Informes finales de investigación
IX congreso iberoamericano de psicología jurídica - Manuel Javier Támara Barbosa -Barranquilla, Colombia - 2014
2021Registro en:
Támara, M. J., 2014, IX CONGRASO IBEROAMERICANO DE PSUCOLOGÍA JURÍDICA - Manuel Javier Támara Barbosa -Barranquilla, Colombia. Repositorio institucional
Támara Barbosa, Manuel Javier
The Director will develop the following activities in order to strengthen and make the program visible: National lecturer on the topic of Sex Offender Treatment in Colombia Promotion and marketing of the Master's program through the Stand. Contacts with international teachers and experts with projection to be teachers of the Master's program and international research agreements. Contacts with national experts with the purpose of being hired as teachers of the Master's program.