dc.creatorNeme Chaves, Samir Ricardo
dc.creatorRodríguez González, Liliana Yamile
dc.identifierNeme Chaves, S. R., & Rodriguez Gonzalez, L. Y. (2019). Un análisis bibliométrico del brand equity 1991-2018 || A bibliometric analysis of brand equity 1991 - 2018. Revista De Métodos Cuantitativos Para La Economía Y La Empresa, 28(1), 364-380. Retrieved from https://doaj.org/article/360b0a46542d4db8b7078300bee54ea6
dc.description.abstractThis article provides a bibliometric analysis of the current state of brand equity research, by mapping the research landscape of the concept to identify authors and more productive countries over time, analysis of publications, cooperation between authors, co-citations and keyword co-occurrences; in addition, the identification of research clusters to visualize the conceptual structure of this field of knowledge. Using the Scopus collection, this study analyzes 2000 publications that study brand equity. Four major research groups are identified: brand equity, empirical analysis, the service sector and the common methodology of the studies, which characterize the different research currents and allow the most important fields of action to understand brand equity to be analyzed. New studies that include traditional systematic review are proposed to complement what is stated in this document. This research provides an overview that can be a valuable guide for teachers, researchers and professionals.
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleUn análisis bibliométrico del brand equity 1991-2018
dc.typeGeneración de Nuevo Conocimiento: Artículos publicados en revistas especializadas - Electrónicos

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