Apropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Documento de trabajo (working papers)
Derecho de las migraciones en Colombia: asilo, refugio y desplazamiento. Análisis e identificación de los estándares internacionales y nacionales aplicables a los migrantes, refugiados – asilados y desplazados en Colombia.
Carvajal Martínez, Jorge Enrique
In the current context of Venezuelan immigration in Colombia, internally, the management of the migration issue focuses on how to integrate that population in a situation of vulnerability at a social, economic, political, cultural and environmental level (High Commission for Refugees, 2019). Eg family reunification as a possible regulatory instrument of integration (High Commissioner for Refugees, 2019)
Given the previous scenario, controversies have arisen regarding the resources and the capacity of the State to face the robust and imposing Venezuelan immigration. Migration has been considered to lead to an increase in cultural wealth, dynamism in the economy and a challenge in terms of solidarity (Castro Franco, 2019). Migration flows are especially expected to be incentives for economic growth (High Commissioner for Refugees, 2019). However, we have been able to observe that Colombia is not internally capable of absorbing Venezuelan human capital for economic integration since the national economy is fluctuating and informal, a situation that has generated crisis and little acceptance by the Colombian stream. An example of the above, we find it in quotas of xenophobia (High Commissioner for Refugees, 2019) in feelings of repudiation and rejection of the Venezuelan who arrives in national territory to “appropriate” jobs and resources of the national order.
In this sense, the State must face the situation through the implementation of public policies that protect and defend the human rights of the migrant. On the other hand, at the international level, it is notorious that Venezuelan migration takes center stage; This has been put into vogue through the emanation of some international cooperation instruments for joint coordination at regional and global level of migration, such has been the case of the Global Compact for Migration and the Quito Declaration on Human Mobility of Venezuelan citizens in the Region.
For all the above, it is intended, based on the investigation, to approach the current panorama of forced migration of people from Venezuela, their possible problems in Colombian territory, the management and the limits of the receiving state against the rights of the migrant people ( right of asylum, refuge, international protection, fundamental rights and other constitutional guarantees).
In addition to accompanying the situation of this population in a state of vulnerability, it is expected to advance a book with four chapters that show the progress in the area of attention to the population by state institutions, position of the constitutional authority in access to justice , and other challenges that the mobilizing society has. The result of these investigations will be exhibited in a medium of diffusion that may be in a space arranged with the Master in International Defense of Human Rights. Likewise, training sessions will be carried out in development of the Agreement with the Norwegian Council held with the Santo Tomas University, to assist the migrant population in the legal office of the Faculty, these results will be able to nourish the event that is scheduled in conjunction with the same Council Norwegian. Finally, the research project is expected to have the collaboration of students who develop their own research projects with the Master's Degree in Defense of Human Rights, as well as who can collaborate in the framework of the Agreement with the Norwegian Council.