Elaboración de una guía para la construcción de viviendas de uno y dos pisos con mampostería confinada basada en el reglamento nsr 2010 titulo e
2021-01-23Registro en:
Ruíz Forero, D. A. (2021). Elaboración de una guía para la construcción de viviendas de uno y dos pisos con mampostería confinada basada en el reglamento NSR 2010 título E. [Trabajo de grado, Construcción en Arquitectura e Ingeniería] Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia.
Ruiz Forero, Diego Andres
Currently there is information in books and thesis on materials and construction processes for one and two-story houses, being embodied in manuals on the subject, we want to highlight the importance of this work of degree because it reflects the information in a more practical, graphic, clear and effective in order to reach all the people who want to undertake their construction project and anyone who is interested in the subject. This project is not only focused on offering a guide for the execution of one and two-story houses with confined masonry, but it also interprets the NSR 2010 title E regulations in a graphic way, explaining the step by step sequences of each of the activities, relating the minimum requirements and terminology in such a way that it is easy to understand for anyone who has no knowledge about the subject. All this information will be compiled and shaped into a guide that allows for logical, progressive and structured activities that when implemented will help improve the construction, quality and safety of the homes.