dc.creatorNivia Osuna, Alexander
dc.creatorBelalcázar Zafra, Maria Elena
dc.creatorBeltrán Osorio, Edwin Andrés
dc.identifierNivia, Alexander., Belalcázar, María & Beltrán, Edwin., (2018). Evaluación del porcentaje de preñez en vacas Cebú sometidas a un protocolo de IATF utilizando pajillas de la raza Wagyu. Universidad Santo Tomás Abierta y a Distancia.
dc.description.abstractThe project entitled "Evaluation of the percentage of pregnancy in zebu cows submitted to an IATF protocol using straws of the Wagyu breed" aims to evaluate the percentage of pregnancy in commercial type zebu cows subjected to a protocol of artificial insemination at fixed time using straws of the red Wagyu breed as an improving factor for the meat production of the bovine production systems of the Colombian tropics. The study will be developed in a farm located in the municipality of Coyaima (Tolima). The methodology to be developed begins with the selection of 30 commercial Cebu type cows with an age range of 3 to 6 years and a body condition of 2.5 to 4 (score 1 to 5). In addition, the sanitary and reproductive conditions of the animals will be taken into account. Subsequently, they will be submitted to a heat synchronization protocol like this: Day 0: insert DISP P4 + 2 cc BE; Day 8: DISP + 2 cc PGF2 α + 1 mg ECP withdrawal. The cows will be inseminated with semen of the red Wagyu breed as a factor of the meat production. The determination of the pregnancy will be made 45 days after insemination by rectal palpation and will be confirmed by ultrasound evaluation. The data will be processed in the statistical package Statistical Analysis System (SAS), through a chi-square analysis, where the percentage of pregnancy will be evaluated.
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleEvaluación del porcentaje de preñez en vacas Cebú sometidas a un protocolo de IATF utilizando pajillas de la raza Wagyu
dc.typeApropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Informes de investigación

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