dc.contributorCortés Zambrano, Melquisedec
dc.creatorArias Vargas, Andrés Felipe
dc.identifierArias Vargas, A. F. (2019). Estudio para la modelación de la cuenca urbana cristales de la ciudad de Tunja mediante epa swmm. Tesis de pregrado. Universidad Santo Tomás. Tunja.
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractThe internship was carried out in the company Veolia Aguas de Tunja S.A E.S.P with the fundamental objective of knowing the hydraulic behavior of the district crystals in periods of drought and precipitation events. For this, it was necessary to use the SWMM 5.1 program, where the models in question and the ArcGis program were made, from which all the geographic and topological information of the network was obtained. Likewise, work was done to recognize the district, accompanying inspections, generation of work orders, training, among other activities. For the modeling process, data suggested by Title D of the RAS and the user manual of the SWMM were used, taking into account the typical parameters of the study area; In addition, health contributions were calculated, considering the population resident in the area. After carrying out the modeling, we proceeded to analyze the behaviors, from which we obtained a series of results that were interpreted by the intern where areas of conflict were identified, alternative solutions were formulated and the state was verified. sewage network, with respect to the Technical Regulation of the Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation Sector - RAS and in turn Resolution 0330 of 2017.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Ingeniería Civil
dc.publisherFacultad de Ingeniería Civil
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dc.relationVEOLIA AGUAS DE TUNJA S.A E.S.P. Resolución 19-011(22, Enero 2019). Por la cual se actualiza la normatividad que permite adoptar el cálculo del caudal de diseño.
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.titleEstudio para la modelación de la cuenca urbana cristales de la ciudad de Tunja mediante epa swmm

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