Articulación del M-Learning en el proceso de aprendizaje del movimiento rectilíneo uniforme versus el aprendizaje tradicional : una experiencia en secundaria en la Institución Educativa Francisco de Paula Santander de Sogamoso-Colombia.
2020-07-28Registro en:
Fernández Rosas, D.A. & Montañez Camargo, N.J. (2020). Articulación del M-Learning en el proceso de aprendizaje del movimiento rectilíneo uniforme versus el aprendizaje tradicional : una experiencia en secundaria en la Institución Educativa Francisco de Paula Santander de Sogamoso-Colombia. Tesis de posgrado, Universidad Santo Tomás, Tunja.
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Fernández Rosas, Daniel Alberto
Montañez Camargo, Nelson Javier
This research is focused on the analysis of two pedagogical strategies applied to the learning of classical Physics and in particular of the Uniform Rectilinear Motion URM, in students of high school from a public institution in the city of Sogamoso, Colombia. A mixed methodological design is presented (qualitative and quantitative), taking as population two groups of tenth grade, each one of 30 students, corresponding the traditional learning strategy to the control group and the M-Learning strategy to the experimental group. It was proposed to identify contributions and limits of M-Learning versus the traditional, from the description of the learning during the processes, to the assessment of MRU learning in each group. On the one hand, the traditional strategy taught at the institution and its pedagogical practices was addressed, based on the classical theories of learning behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism, with the teacher being the mediator between learning and students through the use of traditional resources and tools. On the other hand, an M-Learning strategy seen as an emerging learning strategy in this context, and which is supported for the connectivism theory, using the smartphone and a set of specific applications chosen and organized from the Bloom's Digital Taxonomy (BDT) as pedagogical mediation. Multiple qualitative factors of the URM learning process are described, both traditionally and in M-Learning at the lower and higher order levels of thought since BDT. A t-student test was carried out to compare the final learning. No significant differences were found in the URM learning outcomes in the two strategies. Some technological and pedagogical restrictions were identified in the process of applying the M-Learning strategy; if they are overcome, the potential of M-Learning is visualized in the future processes of URM learning in the institution.
Key words: Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism, Connectivism, M-Learning, Bloom's Digital Taxonomy, Uniform Rectilinear Motion.