Análisis de los parámetros que afectan la estabilidad de túneles circulares superficiales utilizando simulación numérica
2020-09-10Registro en:
Barreto Riaño, K. M., & Duran Moreno, J. C. (2020). Análisis de los parámetros que afectan la estabilidad de túneles circulares superficiales utilizando simulación numérica. Trabajo de grado. Universidad Santo Tomas. Villavicencio
Durán Moreno, Juan Camilo
Barreto Riaño, Kevin Maurico
An important problem, analyzed when designing shallow tunnels, is the stability of the excavation face during the construction stage. Due to the shallow depth, eventual instabilities can easily lead to faults with serious consequences in the surface, there are many factors involved in this event, such as: resistance parameters, surface overload, tunnel depth and excavation length without support (L). To analyze these factors, a programming algorithm is developed in the Matlab software with the analytical theories of several authors, among which Carranza Torres et al. (2013) and Enrique Tamez (1997). Similarly, the analysis is complemented with a series of modeling in the ABAQUS 6.14-2 software, in order to generate a sensitivity analysis of the resistance parameters (cohesion and friction) and with the help of the Strength Reduction Factor methodology ( SRF) get to calculate a factor of safety (FS). Defining thus that the most influential resistance parameter in the stability of a superficial circular tunnel is cohesion and showing that a directly proportional relationship persists between these resistance parameters and the FS.