Representaciones sociales del acoso escolar en adolescentes y un docente del colegio publico Miguel Ángel Martin de Villavicencio-Meta
2021-09-20Registro en:
Izquierdo, L. Londoño, M. Rojas, D. (2021). Representaciones sociales del acoso escolar en adolescentes y un docente del colegio público Miguel Ángel Martin de Villavicencio-Meta. [Tesis de pregrado, facultad de psicología]. Repositorio
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Izquierdo Bernal, Leidy Tatiana
Londoño Rodriguez, Maria Paula
Rojas Moreno, Daniela Paola
This research focuses on the social representations associated with bullying, which have been constructed by students and a teacher from the Miguel Ángel Martin de Villavicencio-Meta public school; Situations of bullying in Colombia are recurrent and are identified as a phenomenon framed in unjustified aggressiveness between peers, which occurs repeatedly towards the same person and seriously affects their development in the educational context; For this reason, the research proposes to understand, recognize and identify these social representations of bullying, the data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, carried out by digital means with 3 students and 1 teacher of the institution. The systematization and content analysis was carried out from categorical analysis matrices, in charge of organizing and interpreting the information in the stories. The findings allow us to conclude that the constructs that make up the social representations of both parties present a significant separation, which can be identified in the stories, which denotes that teachers advocate an interventional action, based on interdisciplinary work that allows approaching the problem and eradicate it at its roots through joint work; students are characterized on the one hand, with ideas of social support that allow the inclusion of students who have presented bullying, and on the other hand, the disengagement of those students, with ideas of exclusion or eradication of the aggressor, such as expulsion or collective rejection, accompanied by components associated with the effectiveness of preventive strategies and plans around bullying as well as ideologies associated with the aggressor that predominate in the fields of representation of students and teachers.