dc.creatorRivera, Silvia
dc.creatorRodriguez, Indira
dc.creatorCortes, Claudia
dc.creatorCamargo Rojas, Diana
dc.identifierRivera, S., Rodriguez, I., Cortes, C. & Camargo , D. (2014).Determinantes y determinación social: Análisis del proceso de reproducción social relacionado con el concepto y las prácticas de actividad física en Colegios Distritales de la Ciudad de Bogotá. Repositorio - Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractThe research proposal that is put to the consideration of the evaluation committee of call 657 of Colciencias, aims to analyze the social determinants of health and the social determination of health that are present in the social reproduction of the concepts and practices of the physical activity in the District Schools of the City of Bogotá. The collection of information, the analysis and the execution of social impact programs will revolve around three lines of analysis, namely: care of the body and health, social interaction in environments of violence and body of knowledge. In this sense, the research proposal aims from the qualitative methodology to launch the use of multiple methods, including the Grounded Theory analysis method that will allow in the first phase of the project to build a theoretical bed through which the research developments are identified. elaborated around the problems raised by carrying out a documentary review. In the second phase, it is intended to describe, with the results of the substantive theory, the determinants and social determination present in the social reproduction of the concept and practice of physical activity in District Schools of the city of Bogotá. They will include teachers and students in in-depth interviews and focus groups to later contrast with a theoretical model built in the initial phase of the project. The collection instruments to be used in this phase will be constructed through the results of the systematic review or phase I of the project. With the input of this phase, the construction of a program that includes teachers, students and basic education institutions will be carried out and that seeks a social reproduction of a conceptual and practice model of Physical Activity (PA) as a tool of Physical Education for improve health conditions and social interaction in environments of violence, for preventive care of the body and health and for the construction of bodies of preventive knowledge from school. To carry this proposal to a successful conclusion, it has the support of the Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Health of the Universidad del Rosario, making it a space that encourages the design and implementation of undergraduate projects of Master's students who are interested in working on the 3 topics mentioned. Additionally, it is expected to build a knowledge network together with the Simón Bolívar Andean University (Ecu) in order to strengthen a space for exchange of knowledge, mobility and research training from the perspective of the social determination of health and social medicine
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleDeterminantes y determinación social: Análisis del proceso de reproducción social relacionado con el concepto y las prácticas de actividad física en Colegios Distritales de la Ciudad de Bogotá

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