Experiencia de vida de mujeres con cáncer de cuello uterino. Florencia-Caquetá 2017-2018
2019-07-18Registro en:
Perdomo, A. (2019). Experiencia de vida de mujeres con cáncer de cuello uterino. Florencia-Caquetá 2017-2018 (tesis de maestría). Universidad Santo Tomas, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Perdomo Alape, Angela Patricia
According to chronic – degenerative illnesses, cancer has taken an important place around the world due to the morbidity and mortality increase based on this reason. Into this illness group, the cervical cancer takes a significant position; because in spite of being a treatable and curable illness, it continues being a public health problem. Not just for being one of the top five causes of death on worldwide. This illness brings adaptations and restructuring of daily living on people who suffer it, with psycho – affective, social and economic repercussions for women and their families.
This neoplasia is broached worldwide from the hegemonic biologistic approach that ignores the integrity of human being and the social constructions that exist round of this event. Therefore, we studied the lived experience of women with cervical cancer, through qualitative research and using hermeneutics to describe and interpret these experiences.
The results allowed to identify perceptions, emotions, meanings and sufferings related to the disease, in a route that goes from the diagnosis to the treatment. The social and cultural constructions are described, that women who suffer from this type of cancer, they build around their condition, the deterioration that the disease brings to the quality of life of women and their families and highlights the inequities of Colombian system health. This results are consistent with those obtained in other studies focused on showing cervical cancer from the complexity it represents.