dc.contributorGarces Bravo, Camilo Andres
dc.contributorSarmiento Ocampo, Jaime Alberto
dc.creatorPedroza Valdes, Carmen Yuriany
dc.creatorPoveda Capera, Angelica Patricia
dc.identifierPedroza, C.Y; Poveda, A.P. (2021) Megacolegio Los Manglares Turbo, Antioquia. Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Santo Tomas: Medellin
dc.description.abstractThe Turbo district represents an area of ​​great national importance due to its enormous biodiversity and ecological potential, however around this great ecological diversity we also find a series of problems linked to social and environmental deterioration, perceptible especially in the unbalanced urbanization of the region. in the lack of essential services, in the displacement of the population due to the armed conflict and in the absence of opportunities for families who are victims of violence to be repaired, therefore this makes Turbo an area of ​​great interest for architectural work . Trying to give a positive response to this scourge, the turbo mayor's office created strategic plans to provide an effective solution to both the community and the territory, where its main objective is the conservation of biodiversity and the ecological potential of the district as well as the education and culture for its inhabitants, then how to conserve their ecological zones? How to mitigate the illegal appropriation of the mangrove land? How to generate awareness, knowledge and recognition of its natural resources? Based on all of the above, the idea was born to work in the Gaitan and Las Florez neighborhood located to the west of the city, very close to the mangrove swamp. This neighborhood has a high rate of school dropouts, poverty, illegal settlements and groups outside the law, a neighborhood where more than 68% of its inhabitants are minors and adolescents, also, there is a strong demand of educational and cultural facilities since the absence of these in the area is evident, this lets us know that there are specific needs in this place.
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.titleMegacolegio los manglares, Turbo, Antioquia.

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