Análisis del riesgo de reincidencia desde el modelo RNR en una muestra de población pospenada en Colombia
2020-07-25Registro en:
Conde Bula, E. (2020). Análisis del riesgo de reincidencia desde el modelo RNR en una muestra de población pospenada en Colombia. Bogotá Colombia: Universidad Santo Tomas.
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Conde Bula, Edwin
The main objective of this research was to determine the relationship between Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) risk factors model and criminal recidivism in a sample of Colombian exconvicts. To achieve this objective, a mixed-type methodology was developed, combining a comparative design and a cross-sectional predictive design. A total of 150 Colombian exconvicts were involved, who were given an in-depth interview to collect the risk factors of the RNR model and four psychological assessment tools (The Symptom Checklist – SCL-90R, The Self-Concept form 5 – AF5, The International Personality Disorder Examination - IPDE and The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support - MSSPSS). The processing of the data was carried out through the R statistical software, where descriptive and frequency analyses were performed for the study variables, measures of association and independence between categorical variables, comparative analysis between repeat offenders and non-repeat offenders, and a regression and classification tree to establish the predictive relationship between the variables. It was obtained as the main results the statistically significant difference between repeat offenders and non-repeat offenders in the global severity index of SCL-90R, in IPDE limit personality disorder, and in the dimensions of depression and positive symptom distress index of SCL-90R; the association between self-reported recidivism with the eight major factors of the RNR model; the association between self-reported recidivism and 25 of the 32 sub-categories of RNR model risk factors, and identification as a predictor of criminal recidivism of the global severity index of SCL-90R.