dc.creatorRivero, Rodrigo
dc.creatorAlvarez, Carlos Eduardo
dc.creatorRichard Alexander, Caicedo
dc.creatorMendoza, Juan Francisco
dc.creatorGranados, Luz Santamaria
dc.creatorMatias, Juan Carlos
dc.creatorGartner Trejos, Alejandro
dc.creatorLa Torre, Carlos Fernando
dc.creatorHurtado, Magda Carolina
dc.creatorCarlos Huber, Pinilla Buitrago
dc.creatorVelosa, Sonia Yadira
dc.creatorNiño Castro, Angela Milena
dc.identifierAlvarez Carlos, (2015), Documento Marco de Educación Virtual. Bogotá, Colombia.
dc.description.abstractVirtual Education at Santo Tomás University is defined based on what is stated in the Decennial Plan for Education 2006-2015 and the National Development Plan 2010-2014, where the government guidelines on "Quality education, the path to prosperity "and the challenges of this ministry to promote the incorporation of ICT in education. It also integrates the guidelines of the Live Digital Plan of the Ministry of ICT, the National Strategy of Open Digital Educational Resources (REDA), within the framework of the ICT Policies in Education of the MEN and the provisions of Decree 1295 on virtual programs. At an international level, the conclusions of the Summit of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (CRES, 2008), of the II World Conference on Higher Education (Paris, July 2009), the ICT Measurements in Education (Unesco, 2009) are welcomed. ) and the results of the Horizon Report in its 2011 and 2012 versions. Likewise, it attends to the observations made by the National Accreditation Council issued on the subject in the Institutional Accreditation of 2011 and is projected based on the institutional background of the Development Plan 2008-2011 to "Strengthen the use of New Information and Communication Technologies in the programs offered by the University" and in the project with MEN, PLANESTIC of 2008. Likewise, it responds to the strategy of the USTA-Colombia Development Plan 2012-2015 "Inclusion of new training modalities", formulated in the USTA and Society Axis, as already stated in the VUAD Development Plan 2012-2015, in particular to the project strategic of virtuality. In the same way, it responds to the need to face the challenges of Multicampus Institutional Accreditation, quality assurance processes and to project the University in the new scenarios of global higher education, both nationally and internationally, supported in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) from the perspective of the pedagogical use of these as "Technologies for Learning and Knowledge (TAC)". In such a way that they support the training processes in the face-to-face modality, complement the open and distance modality and develop 100% virtual education.
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleDocumento Marco de Educación Virtual
dc.typeGeneración de Nuevo Conocimiento: Otra publicación divulgativa

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