Parte 2: etnografía del pueblo kamëntsá de sibundoy. Capitulo 2: Uauenana, nduauenana: historia social y bases culturales del castigo físico en los kamëntsá
2020Registro en:
Gómez , P. (2020). De conflictos, perdones y justicias. Iniciativas étnicas de paz en la Colombia transicional. Bogotá: Universidad Santo Tomás
Gómez Montañez, Pablo Felipe
Introductory recollections of
Taita Angel Jacanamejoy
The first time we saw Taita Angel Jacanamejoy, we noticed several characteristics that
several characteristics that at first glance seemed to honor his angelic and paternal name.
angelic and paternal denomination. Always smiling, with a sweet look and gray hair that stands out, revealing a bald crown on his head.
bald crown on his head. The taita was in charge of directing the whole "community" to make preparations for the
to make preparations for the ritual of the enjale del gallo, which is part of the Bëtscnaté or so-called Carnival of Forgiveness, which was held on the Monday before the beginning of Lent 2016. The word
community, since in the time frame of this festivity, currently declared as Intangible Cultural Heritage, not only the members of the indigenous
members of the Kamëntsá indigenous community of Sibundoy, but also travelers, tourists, curious
tourists, curious onlookers and even academic observers who are integrated into a large
integrated into a large "community of meaning" based on hospitality, empathy and sharing.