dc.contributorSilva Manrique, Martha Ximena
dc.creatorGonzález Contreras, Laura Stephania
dc.identifierGonzález, L. (2018). Informe de práctica empresarial banco Davivienda s.a.s. Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia: Facultad de Negocios Internacionales, Universidad Santo Tomás.
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractThrough the following written work, the result obtained through the business practices carried out by the intern as Operational Support in Banco Davivienda SA will be announced. In this way Davivienda gives the opportunity to the students of the Santo Tomas University Villavicencio campus to be part of the Bolivar business group, thus living a professional training experience in which they put to test and practice the knowledge, skills and abilities they acquired. From the beginning of the race. During the training process, the practicing professional must initially be trained under the organizational culture of the company, thus highlighting values as a structural basis of interpersonal relationships that will be found in the workplace and business, forming human beings ready to work. offer a quality service and in turn give a tour of those all processes and / or activities that allowed the student to enrich, increase improve and acquire skills in the personal and professional field that contributed to their growth, in addition to the contribution made in the different areas of the bank, which will detail the support activities carried out and the contributions generated by the student to complement and better develop them. According to the above, the professional in practice streamlines all processes in productive vehicle credit in the area of Meta and Casanare, this involves shaping potential customers, conducting a financial study, guide them in the acquisition of purchase and finally proceed with the Credit facility, which is directly connected to the entire vehicle unit in the city of Bogotá.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Negocios Internacionales
dc.publisherFacultad de Negocios Internacionales
dc.relationBanco Davivienda. (2016). Información de Intranet. Obtenido de https://www.davivienda.com/wps/wcm/connect/bc51e182-e2a2-43eaadd3-
dc.relationBanco Davivienda. (2016). Portal Transaccional. Obtenido de davivienda.com: http://www.davivienda.com/wps/portal/personas/nuevo
dc.relationBanco Davivienda. (2017). Sobre Nosotros. Obtenido de Portal Davivienda: https://www.davivienda.com/wps/portal/personas/nuevo/personas/quienes_somos/sobre_
dc.relationDavivienda, B. (2016). Obtenido de Intranet Davivienda https://www.davivienda.com/wps/wcm/connect/bc51e182-e2a2-43eaadd3- fcb243cb1ce9/Equity+Story+1T16+%28Espa%C3%B1ol%29.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
dc.relationDavivienda, B. (2016). Quienes somos. Obtenido de sociedadesbolivar.co: http://www.grupobolivar.com/wps/portal/web/grupobolivar/quienessomos/quienessomos/!ut/p/z1/rVLLUoMwFP0WFyzhJgQCdYf4qqPV2rE8Nh0IEeKUhAIttl9v6riwjtpxxrs7c1_nnnMhhRhSmW1EmfVCyWypcZLSxbkbTq9nDh3f04mHxo8X7vz2yiEuQTCHFFIm-6avIOkUE7zICt7laik2WbvgnYGEFEwoA5XtulEf
dc.relationGrupo Bolivar. (s.f.). Modulo de Inducción. Obtenido de inducciongrupobolivar.com: http://www.inducciongrupobolivar.com/sec-nuestra/
dc.relationOrganizacion Internacional del Trabajo (OIT). (22 de Agosto de 2012). Pasantías: ¿una oportunidad o una trampa laboral? Obtenido de ilo.org: http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_187817/lang--es/index.htm
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleInforme de práctica empresarial banco Davivienda s.a.s
dc.typebachelor thesis

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