dc.contributorCortés Cerón, Hernán
dc.contributorRiveros, Miguel Andrés
dc.creatorBlanco Rincón, Sergio Javier
dc.creatorGómez Canaria, Sebastián
dc.creatorLópez Espsinosa, Luis Andrés
dc.identifierBlanco Rincón, S. J., Gómez Canaria, S. & López, L. A. (2016) Business Plan Octante. [Trabajo de pregrado, Universidad Santo Tomás] Bogotá, Colombia
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractOctant seeks to provide an "Emotional Brand Construction" service for businessmen, hotels and restaurants in the city of Bogotá, exactly located in the T zone that includes the towns of Usaquén and Chapinero. This service aims to generate a paradigm shift with respect to the brand that exists in companies, through various strategies that will allow them to strengthen their micro-businesses and create a brand that stands out among their customers. The work that is presented here is part of a joint effort that the three members of the class and future business administrators had, who manage to successfully create an Octant brand that enters to compete with other brand-creating companies but unlike many present a strength in the use of ICTs in an appropriate way, which allows them to empower themselves from social networks with their clients and maintain constant advice through this means. The communication strategies that Octant works in this period correspond to helping to achieve those global objectives of the organization, participate effectively with stakeholders, demonstrate and exhibit success at work, and also confirm that people understand what is done and change the behavior and perceptions of users.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Administración de Empresas
dc.publisherFacultad de Administración de Empresas
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleBusiness Plan Octante
dc.typebachelor thesis

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