dc.creatorCortes Pabón, Ángela María
dc.creatorFlórez Moreno, Dolly Smith
dc.creatorZabala Vargas, Sergio Andrés
dc.identifierCortes , A., Flórez¿ D. & Zabala , S. (2021).Prototipo funcional para el control de activos fijos basado en tecnologías de identificación por radiofrecuencia y redes de área personal. Repositorio - Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractThis research and development project is framed within the activities carried out by the Applied Communications Research Seed of the Santo Tomás University - Bucaramanga Section. Its development has allowed linked students to strengthen reading-writing, research, technical and technological skills that are consistent with their training as Telecommunications Engineers. In this order of ideas, the results obtained are focused within the theoretical aspects on the subject of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID). This technology allows to generate a baseline of the work, the frequencies used, its applications and the most important technologies. In turn, the introductory section highlights the legal and regulatory references that frame this work. The third part of the document illustrates the scope of the project, presenting the methodology used in the Engineering Laboratory Warehouse; being the management and control of equipment a manual process which is intended to improve with RFID technology. This work was validated and is in the process of being implemented by the institution. Finally, as substantial results of the development of the project, a functional prototype of the loan control system was obtained for the electronic tools warehouse within the Santo Tomas University to which professors and students linked to the different Engineering faculties have access, applying services and functionalities such as new acquisitions and loan history as the information is required; thus applying the proposed technologies. In parallel to its implementation, a Technical Manual was generated which consolidates the specifications of the software interface programming and likewise, an attached document known as 'Troubleshooting' with recommendations on solving problems and limits of both technology and technology. implementation of research methodologies.
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombia
dc.titlePrototipo funcional para el control de activos fijos basado en tecnologías de identificación por radiofrecuencia y redes de área personal

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