dc.contributorÁlvarez Berrio, Johan Alexander
dc.creatorBaquero Mendoza, Lina Maria
dc.identifierBaquero Lina .(2019).Formulación del plan de gestión integral de residuos sólidos peligrosos para la empresa Palmeras Cararabo. Universidad Santo Tomás, Villavicencio, Colombia
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractPalmeras Cararabo S.A, is a producer and marketer of oil palm fruit, which generates hazardous waste mostly pesticides, which can cause a significant impact on the environment and the health of workers and residents of the region. Accordingly, the present document was developed in order to respond to the current needs of the company Palmeras Cararabo and to solve the problems associated with the generation, storage, collection, treatment and final disposal of the Respel from the different areas that the organization has, in such a way as to ensure the comprehensive management of such waste in accordance with the rules in force, since the company currently does not have a hazardous waste management plan. The development of this plan begins with the realization of an environmental diagnosis, which allowed to identify the deficiencies in the management, storage, treatment and final disposition of the Respel generated in the company. The implementation of two components that are environmentally safe internal management and external management was carried out, where the identification of the áreas of generation, segregation in the source was involved, use of labels and weighing of waste, design of internal routes, selection of a possible location and design of the collection center, also carried out an agreement of collection and final disposition with an external manager that meets all the environmental legal requirements to be able to operate.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado de Ingeniería Ambiental
dc.publisherFacultad de Ingeniería Ambiental
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleFormulación del plan de gestión integral de residuos sólidos peligrosos para la empresa Palmeras Cararabo S.A
dc.typebachelor thesis

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