dc.contributorParra Riveros, Helien
dc.contributorUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.creatorQuevedo Guevara, Juan Oswaldo
dc.creatorGomez Garcia, Natalia
dc.identifierQuevedo Guevara, J. O. & Gomez Garcia, N. (2021). Evaluación del impacto de los procesos de alta de pacientes hospitalarios dentro de los servicios de urgencias por medio del análisis workflow. Análisis de caso. Hospital público San Antonio De Chía. [Trabajo de pregrado, Universidad santo Tomás]. Repositorio Institucional
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractThis project is part of the social retribution process of the 4x1 life option and is framed within the FODEIN project: "Design of a methodology for the management of patient flow in health services based on LEAN strategies and Business Process Patterns", it will focus on the study of the patient discharge processes of the E.S.E. Hospital San Antonio de Chía. The project will focus on the study of the patient discharge processes of the E.S.E. Hospital San Antonio de Chía, since the care provided to the population of the municipality of Chía and the neighboring municipality (Cota - Cundinamarca) generates a high demand of patients in this entity, which can cause an inadequate management in the internal processes of discharge of the hospital, affecting the quality of patient care. This can generate an inadequate management in the internal processes of hospital discharge, affecting the flow of patients and causing overcrowding in the emergency department (Plan de Desarrollo Chía 2020-2023 Chía educated, cultural and safe, 2020). According to the Development Plan 2020 - 2023 of the municipality of Chía, it is reflected that nowadays a larger population is estimated, taking into account that Chía is characterized for being a recipient of migrant population coming from other municipalities of the savannah, it presents one of the largest population growths in the country. According to the census conducted by the DANE in 2018, there is evidence of a population increase of 35.65% in the municipality, with respect to 2005 (Municipal Diagnosis of Chía of the Development Plan 2020 - 2023). Therefore, this research project aims to evaluate through the Work Flow model and other industrial engineering tools (which allow to easily identify the needs of the health system) certain external and internal factors that initially make the hospital discharge process inefficient (which affects the pace and flow of activities in hospitals), since finally with these tools we will proceed to propose possible improvements and alternatives that contribute to the improvement of this process within the services offered by the E.S.E Hospital San Antonio de Chía.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Ingeniería Industrial
dc.publisherFacultad de Ingeniería Industrial
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleEvaluación del impacto de los procesos de alta de pacientes hospitalarios dentro de los servicios de urgencias por medio del análisis workflow. Análisis de caso. Hospital público San Antonio De Chía
dc.typebachelor thesis

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