Implementation of games as a didactic strategy to improve oral skills in fourth grade students at two public schools.
Díaz Sánchez, Jeimy Dufay
Chalá Palacio, María Rosa
This master's research aims to describe the influence of the implementation of games in a didactic sequence in the improvement of English speaking in fourth-grade students. The sub-skills contain pronunciation, fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and oral interaction in the English-speaking skill. This research conducted at Inmaculada
Concepción Institution and El Queremal Educational Institution was carried out by collecting and analyzing data from speaking tests before implementing a didactic sequence based on the implementation of games to develop oral skills. Then, during the execution of such a didactic sequence, the students carried out a post-test of oral expression measuring the speaking sub-skills. Finally, an online questionnaire was applied to know the students' perceptions with implementing this teaching strategy. According to the findings, the games' application helped the students improve their English speaking sub-skills, with oral interaction, vocabulary and
pronunciation being the most advanced. An additional gain of this didactic strategy, the application of the quiz, shows an increase in motivation when using the games to advance and develop oral skills.
This thesis work presents an innovation in the design of micro curricular proposals for strengthening the oral skills of elementary school students thanks to the development of inter-institutional joint work between the La Inmaculada Concepción and Queremal schools, both located in rural contexts and public education in Colombia.