Características de las estrategias de intervención del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad -TDAH-
2015-09-07Registro en:
Montañez Robledo, Katherine
Hurtado Naranjo, Marcela
The aim of this paper is to show the characteristics of the intervention strategies of attention deficit disorder with hyperactive (TDAH). That's why is necessary to make an analysis of the main signs causes and effects for determinate that are the different treatments more empiric efficient to control the problematic. In this article the main treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral and pharmacological multimodal contribute to the sings reduction. It is also important to mention that the ADHD is a neurodevelopmental problem that affects in the areas of social interactions and academic developments of those who have it, therefore, it can be demonstrated that drug treatment is not sufficient and therefore do necessary cognitive-behavioral and multimodal interventions. In this way, you end up showing that the joint action of different treatments showed better results when working in isolation, and likewise, should be included in the process of improving the active assistance of the co-therapists and family members, academics and specialists involved in the disorder.