Autorreconocimiento de la mujer maestra
Cardona Ortíz, Aura María
Vásquez Valencia, Melva Inés
Rey López, Martha Lucía
La teoría del reconocimiento como corriente filosófica, desde el pensamiento de Axel Honneth, está vigente y lleva al planteamiento de las relaciones que los sujetos establecen y cómo éstas tienen implicaciones individuales y colectivas en el transcurso de la vida. Este artículo pretende analizar la importancia del autorreconocimiento, identificando en las narraciones autobiográficas de tres maestras de Pereira, razonamientos que buscan responder a la investigación realizada entre el 2014-2015 cuya pregunta central fue: ¿Qué criterios afectivos y sociales determinan el autorreconocimiento de la mujer maestra?, entendiendo que ser mujer maestra, es una característica que ha tenido connotaciones estereotipadas en el tiempo.\ Abstract: The theory of recognition as philosophical, from the thought of Axel Honneth, is effective and leads to approach the subjects establish relationships and how they have individual and collective implications in the course of life. This article analyzes the importance of self , identifying the autobiographical narratives of three teachers of Pereira , arguments that seek to respond to the research conducted between 2014-2015 whose central question was: ¿ What emotional and social criteria determine self-recognition of women teacher ?, understanding that being female teacher , is a feature that has been stereotyped connotations over time.
The result of this work can be concluded that, through a reflective exercise and consent of the individual and collective realities can be transformed representations and mindsets that need to produce new ways of seeing and face the world, where fighting for recognition becomes bearer from school, as a key factor in coexistence, based on the encounter with himself and with others.