dc.creatorJaramillo Marín, Melquis de Jesús
dc.description.abstractMoral development in an individual's cognitive-structural change. In other words, is the ability of that individual to assume roles and basic concepts of justice for the San living in the community to which he belongs. This capacity of their environment and used as a method of moral judgments that is through moral education, which allows the adolescent development of his thought. This moral development is based on the individual through education and even more through the Religious Education School, because it allows the construction of theoretical and practical knowledge through the development of skills and abilities. Furthermore, it encourages reflection on the fundamental truths. Hence, the objective of the research describing the influence of the Religious Education School in the moral development of adolescents in the tenth grade school located in Santa Rosa in the San Fernando Cuba in the city of Pereira, specifying the contribution of religious education, that, from a description of the state of the art from a hermeneutics of that influence, for which was conducted a descriptive qualitative approach whose direct results are related to obtaining necessary information, accurate and verifiable on the influence of the department of religious education in the moral development of adolescents in the school's tenth grade above it will be a new knowledge that will serve to strengthen the department of religious education at school and to serve as a light to other institutions in the performance of the work.
dc.publisherUniversidad Católica de Pereira
dc.relationMonografias de Grado Digital;CDMLER49
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
dc.titleEducación religiosa y desarrollo moral

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