Rendimientos a escala de la estructura industrial del Eje Cafetero, para el período 2000–2011
Rotavista Cataño, Freyder Alejandro
Echeverry Tafur, Jennyfer Viviana
López Romero, Martha Leonor
This document presents the results of the research conducted for the Coffee Zone, which aims to identify the types of performances exhibited by the industrial structure of each one of the Coffee Departments (Caldas, Quindío and Risaralda) as a “Coffee Region”. The research makes and analysis from behavior ISIC, data taken from the Annual Manufacturing Survey by DANE, in the years 2000 to 2011, which through an econometric regression from a production function “Cobb-Douglas type”, concluded, that both, the “Coffee Zone” and the departments into that zone, exhibit constant returns to scale.