Desafíos para lograr visión sistémica sobre la sexualidad y la juventud
2018-11-07Registro en:
Vergara Ochoa, Kriss Dahian
El objetivo del presente documento es identificar las comprensiones que tiene los jóvenes sobre su vida sexual, para sumirla de manera responsable. Se recurre a la revisión de literatura teniendo como eje central la juventud y la sexualidad, bajo un enfoque sistémico. De esta manera se consultaron diversos documentos, artículos científicos y textos donde se ha reflexionado sobre cada tema. La juventud implica una serie de cambios biológicos y psicológicos en los cuales se incluye unas expectativas frente a la sexualidad, parte de ellas se enfocan en desarrollar relaciones más íntimas y emocionales con una pareja, lo que implica que dichas relaciones implican diferentes manifestaciones de sexualidad que pueden ir contra los preceptos y estándares socialmente aceptados, lo que conlleva a conflictos en distintos escenarios, la familia, la escuela y comunidad sobre todo cuando se abordan temas ligados a la identidad de género, preferencia sexual e incluso una postura crítica frente a estos elementos. Se concluye según la literatura revisada que predomina una visión reduccionista enfocada en los derechos, prácticas sexuales y reproductivos, dejando a un lado otras dimensiones de la sexualidad, lo cual se ha derivado de políticas públicas en salud, haciendo necesario trabajar sobre temas como diversidad e inclusión. Abstract The objective of this document is to identify the understandings that young people have about their sexual life, to divest it responsibly. The review of literature is used, having as a central axis youth and sexuality, under a systemic approach. In this way, various documents, scientific articles and texts were consulted, where each topic was reflected. Youth involves a series of biological and psychological changes that include expectations about sexuality, part of which focuses on developing more intimate and emotional relationships with a partner, which implies that these relationships involve different manifestations of sexuality they can go against the socially accepted precepts and standards, which leads to conflicts in different scenarios, the family, the school and the community, especially when addressing issues related to gender identity, sexual preference and even a critical stance towards these elements . It is concluded according to the reviewed literature that a reductionist vision focused on rights, sexual and reproductive practices predominates, leaving aside other dimensions of sexuality, which has been derived from public health policies, making it necessary to work on issues such as diversity and inclusion.The objective of this document is to identify the understandings that young people have about their sexual life, to divest it responsibly. The review of literature is used, having as a central axis youth and sexuality, under a systemic approach. In this way, various documents, scientific articles and texts were consulted, where each topic was reflected. Youth involves a series of biological and psychological changes that include expectations about sexuality, part of which focuses on developing more intimate and emotional relationships with a partner, which implies that these relationships involve different manifestations of sexuality they can go against the socially accepted precepts and standards, which leads to conflicts in different scenarios, the family, the school and the community, especially when addressing issues related to gender identity, sexual preference and even a critical stance towards these elements . It is concluded according to the reviewed literature that a reductionist vision focused on rights, sexual and reproductive practices predominates, leaving aside other dimensions of sexuality, which has been derived from public health policies, making it necessary to work on issues such as diversity and inclusion.The objective of this document is to identify the understandings that young people have about their sexual life, to divest it responsibly. The review of literature is used, having as a central axis youth and sexuality, under a systemic approach. In this way, various documents, scientific articles and texts were consulted, where each topic was reflected. Youth involves a series of biological and psychological changes that include expectations about sexuality, part of which focuses on developing more intimate and emotional relationships with a partner, which implies that these relationships involve different manifestations of sexuality they can go against the socially accepted precepts and standards, which leads to conflicts in different scenarios, the family, the school and the community, especially when addressing issues related to gender identity, sexual preference and even a critical stance towards these elements . It is concluded according to the reviewed literature that a reductionist vision focused on rights, sexual and reproductive practices predominates, leaving aside other dimensions of sexuality, which has been derived from public health policies, making it necessary to work on issues such as diversity and inclusion.