Concepciones pedagógicas de los manuales de convivencia y su incidencia en las prácticas escolares
Giraldo Castañeda, Luisa Fernanda
Lobón Murillo, Carmen Elena
Ortiz Pachón, Luz Marina
Ríos Villada, Isabel Cristina
The purpose of this research project is to identify the pedagogical conceptions underlying in the coexistence manuals and their representation in daily school speeches and practices of some educational institutions in the city of Pereira.
The documentary study approaches to pedagogical trends and conceptions, coexistence manuals and school discipline, which are important aspects for reflection and redefinition of school practices.
Mixed research is used as a methodological strategy which includes documentary check and observation entries that give account of the approach, follow up and control made by educational institutions in the coexistence manuals’ implementation. Educational ethnography is used in the field research, which facilitates experience, comprehension of practices and speech analysis of different situations aroused in school’s daily life; being dialogue with actors, one of the richest sources of information.