Plan estratégico de comunicaciones para el Fondo Financiero de Proyectos de Desarrollo – FONADE
Estrada Morales, Viviana
This paper provides the reader general information about the Fondo Financiero de Proyectos de Desarrollo – FONADE, its history and evolution trough time. Additional focus is offered regarding the internal and external communication dynamics of the organization.
A detailed communication diagnose with statistics shows information about the FONADE’s strengths and weaknesses on this specific issue.
Finally, the reader will find some approaches suggesting solutions to the most serious problems of the two intervened thematic: Corporate Identity and Intranet.
This paper is also presented to Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda – Pereira, Colombia - as Internship Work for the School of Social Communication - Journalism.
Key words: Communication Diagnose, Organizational Communication, Internal Communication, External Communication, Corporate Identity, Intranet.