Rol de la cultura ciudadana en la decisión de compra en el marco de un sistema de pago no vigilado
2020Registro en:
658.8343 C133
Caicedo Mora, Katty Kamila
Starting from the concept of Citizen Culture, as the primary axis in the conduct of individuals against an unsupervised payment system, this research addresses and describes the behavior of the individuals during the purchase process, taking into consideration their own subjectivity, investigating and exploring this behavior understood in the light of the souci de soi concept, and the need for reciprocity as an iterative element, perceived in the interaction and trust in the other. To this end, a quantitative methodology was proposed, in the form of interviews, which led to some findings the cognitive level, such as the presence of the concept of citizen culture clearly delimited in the buyer's imagination, or at a practical level such as self-satisfaction in the good behavior as well as the reciprocity itself.