Estructuración de un fondo de inversiones para el Clúster CreaTIC de la ciudad de Popayán
Caldón Quirá, Norman Oswaldo
Erazo Gómez, Ximena Amparo
It is intended to structure an investment fund for the Clúster CreaTIC and the valuation of some affiliated companies, in order to guarantee the Corporation's self sustainability -- The concept and the existing regulation on Investment Funds, the advantages and disadvantages for both the investor and those who have the need to participate will be explained -- Some valuation methods will be addressed, but emphasis will be placed on the discounted cash flow method, which will be used to value the companies under study -- This way you will be able to face one of the stargazing problems that startups have, which is financing -- The Clúster CreaTIC was born with the purpose of supporting and promoting entrepreneurship for companies that develop digital content and articulates with one of the Colombian State policies; related to the promotion and development of Information and Communication Technologies