La relación entre el gobierno corporativo, el desempeño empresarial y las decisiones de financiación en Colombia
2020Registro en:
658.155 A675
Arcos Rodríguez, Fabio Andrés
Cerón Ruiz, Yudy Viviana
Empirical evidence in financial markets suggests that those companies that adequately manage their interest groups, and that strengthen and disseminate their corporate governance policies achieve greater institutional effectiveness. Based on the foregoing, this article studies the relationship between the quality of corporate governance practices and the valuation, financing decisions and financial performance of Colombian companies during the 2008-2018 period, from a mixed perspective that links the theory of Agency and resource dependence. Methodologically, firms that are listed on the Colombian stock exchange were examined and two governance indices owned by Bloomberg were used. The research used regression models in an unbalanced data panel. The results show that there is a positive relationship between corporate governance rates and the financial performance of firms; but negative against total indebtedness