De la ambigüedad en el diseño de una política pública a la discrecionalidad en su proceso de implementación.
2018Registro en:
320.6 C961
Cuadros Muñoz, Jorge Humberto
The theoretical developments on formulation process of public politics have been appreciable, in relation to the process of taking into account of a public problem by governmental entities; nevertheless, they have not been sufficiently accompanied by parallel productions in the implementation field. The implementation process will be the main matter in this paper, emphasising on the public intervention instruments established by governmental entities during the plannig stage of a public politic. For this aim, the case taken into account was “Política Pública de Discapacidad e Inclusión Social (PPDIS)” from Envigado (Colombia) for the period 2015 – 2018. Hence, both top-down and bottom-up approaches have been analyzed, through which the implementation processes are described, as well as the transition between objectives and proposed programs has been intended. As a conclusion, a public politic characterized by the ambiguity in the definition of objectives and instruments, and planned under civic participation processes, should respond to implementation models as bottom-up, in which the influence of social actors or bureaucrats that took part in the formulation stage is better. On the contrary, a public politic characterized by having objectives and instruments clearly stablished, and by low leves of politic conflict or discretion, it is possible to be implemented under top-down environments where the actions are coherent with the purposes and initial indicators aimed by the politic.