Estrategia competitiva de una Organización de Mantenimiento Aprobada (OMA) en Latinoamérica
2020Registro en:
658.401 Q78
Quintero Suárez, Carlos Andrés
The dynamics and complexity of the aeronautical sector in Colombia and Latin America make it essential for an approved maintenance organization (OMA) like LASA S.A. to clearly define its competitive strategy in order to focus all its efforts on being sustainable and generating value within the production chain and the society to which it belongs. For that, in the present research it begins with the analysis of the background of the sector and are studied the factors that impact their performance and the context in which it is immersed, because all of them determine the behavior of the market and the ability of the WCO to react effective and timely manner. The last years have defined changes in the industry, going from full-service models to low-cost models, from joint projects to conglomerates, from an insatiable search for operational efficiencies, to new technologies and changes in state regulation or deregulation policies. In order to further delve into the behavior of the industry, a conceptualization of the sector is carried out in Colombia, Latin America and at International level, breaking down the number of aircraft by type of fleet in all its jet and turboprop configurations, the participation by each region and states, the cost of maintenance by segment and percentage within by the financial structure of the rates, as well as the rates of air liberalization and trade agreements. Finally, different methods and techniques will be used to define the competitive strategy, going from Porter's theories to the analysis of resources and capabilities.