El poder de mercado y otros determinantes de la intermediación financiera para los bancos colombianos entre 2009 y 2014
2018Registro en:
332.1 M827
Mora Thiriez, Sebastián
Vélez Posada, Diego
Financial services have a significant weight in countries economic growth; it represented a 20.3% of the GDP at the end of the year 2016 -- Banks are the main providers of financial services, and their main income derives from the net interest margin -- The net interest margin depends on each´s bank capacity to take in deposits and give out loans -- The capacity of each bank to optimize its net interest margin and attract to its balance sheet the best risks depends on the firm´s market power -- In this paper it´s quantified the impact in the net interest margin due to the firm´s market power (with an approximation of Lerner´s Index) and other internal and external determinants for 14 Colombian banks between 2009 and 2014 -- Using econometric analysis, it was found that the variations in the net interest margin are explained with internal determinants: Lerner´s Index, distribution of its loans portfolio, liquid assets, loans quality, opportunity cost and taxes, as well as external determinants: DTF, Colombian Central Bank intervention rate and Colombian Sovereign Bonds (Reference July 2024)