Territorio en sintropía : modelo de gestión para la transición de pequeños productores hacia una economía rural regenerativa. Una mirada desde el ordenamiento territorial y los sistemas de producción agropecuarios. Caso de estudio : Támesis, Antioquia (Colombia)
2022Registration in:
338.1 G633
López Toro, Laura
Gómez-Valencia, Manuela
Two global challenges are currently compromising the survival of humanity on Earth: the ecosystem crisis and the crisis of rurality, evidenced, on the one hand, in the crossing of planetary boundaries (loss of biodiversity, climate change and soil desertification, among others) and on the other, in the alarming indicators of food insecurity, migration from the countryside to the city and rural population with unsatisfied basic needs. Under this scenario, “Territory in Syntropy” arises with the purpose of designing a management model to promote the transition of small agricultural producers towards a Regenerative Rural Economy (RRE), understood as the application of the patterns and principles of nature in the construction of rural economies capable of contributing simultaneously to the health of ecosystems and rural communities through both agricultural and non-agricultural activities.
We choose Tamesis (Antioquia) as a case study, as it is a strategic territory, which in addition to reflecting at the local level the challenges and opportunities that are observed in rural development from the global, national and regional levels, has been positioning as epicenter of a regenerative movement based on different initiatives with a multi-stakeholder perspective promoted by grassroots organizations, the public sector, the private sector and academia.