| masterThesis
Estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de un proyecto de una plataforma de economía colaborativa en Colombia
2021Registro en:
658.404 J371E
Jaramillo Osorio, Alejandro
Wehdeking Puentes, Jonnatan
This project pretends to analyze the results of a research exercise from an investigation to evaluate the prefeasibility of developing a technological platform that will connect job opportunities with potential service providers, through a collaborative economy model, with the possibility of formalization that will include, in addition, vulnerable population. Through a mixed research of correlational type, this methodology is framed under the guidelines of the UNIDO project formulation and evaluation manual. The initiative to develop this technological tool arises from an entrepreneurial idea of two master's degree students in Project Management from the EAFIT University.
Carrying out a contextual analysis of the technological realities in terms of the collaborative economy, the challenges and needs of employment worldwide, Latin America and Colombia, an opportunity to impact with a technological solution is identified, a reality of labor that has historically brought economic and social problems especially in Colombia.
To determine the pre-feasibility of the development of the platform, this project proposes six specific analysis of the methodology that explore different alternative fields of business administration applied to the formulation and evaluation of projects, describing their categories and subcategories derived from each model: Sectoral studying, market, technical, legal, organizational and financial-risk management.