Mirada sobre el estado de cosas inconstitucional en el sistema penitenciario y carcelario colombiano : avances o retrocesos que ha generado su declaratoria
2021Registro en:
365.7 B272
Barrera Betancur, María Camila
The purpose of this degree paper is to analyze if the unconstitutional state of affairs declared by
the Constitutional Court due to the prison and penitentiary crisis has been truly satisfactory or not
for the process of overcoming the problem. In the first part, a brief review will be made of the
meaning of punishment in doctrine, contrasted with what constitutional jurisprudence in Colombia
has developed. The second part will contextualize the figure of the unconstitutional state of affairs
in the matter, together with a detailed study of the Court's decisions regarding the crisis in prisons.
After this, the effects of the declaration will be analyzed and finally it will be concluded with the
Court decisions.