Aplicabilidad del Modelo Fama-French en el Mercado MILA
2021Registro en:
332.632 T866
Trujillo Gómez, Juan Diego
Vélez Morales, Philip
MILA is the Latin American Integrated Market for securities created in 2009 originally by Perú, Chile and Colombia to which Mexico joined in 2014. Due to its importance, it is necessary to have models that allow a more efficient estimation of the return on assets and generate greater assertiveness in investment decision-making by portfolio managers. This paper presents generalities of both, the MILA market and the submarkets that compose it, and seeks, in the first place, to determine the applicability of the Fama-French model in said market; and secondly, it seeks to generate possible portfolios in the MILA market that, following the criteria on risk factors described by Fama and French, have shown through history a better performance than that of a benchmark portfolio.