dc.contributorMejía Gil, María Claudia
dc.contributorBejarano Botero, Luis Mauricio
dc.creatorMarulanda Betancur, Diana Carolina
dc.creatorRodríguez González, Nubia Juliana
dc.description.abstractThe present work arises from the interest of investigating and knowing what are the experiences of the professors of the postgraduate programs in marketing of the Universidad EAFIT Medellin -- The experience of the teacher is described at the moment of being linked to the area of marketing prospects (specialization and master's degree) and their perception of the academic and administrative process is detailed -- The research was carried out with a qualitative method, with a level of descriptive depth -- As a basic instrument, the in-depth semi-structured interview is used, in such a way that the experience can be known and later synthesize the findings of the research in a Journey Map -- The findings indicate that in general terms the academic-administrative experience is positive, highlighting the same aspects of planning, logistics and compensation, as well as respect for teacher autonomy -- Among the aspects to be improved are the feedback on the evaluation process and the accompaniment of the professors in their payment process -- The result of this research will become an important point for teacher follow-up, a relevant factor in the process of accreditation of high quality programs
dc.publisherMaestría en Mercadeo
dc.publisherEscuela de Administración
dc.rightsAcceso abierto
dc.subjectExperiencia de usuario
dc.subjectProcesos administrativos
dc.subjectProcesos académicos
dc.subjectDiseño de servicios
dc.subjectProceso enseñanza - aprendizaje
dc.subjectCustomer Journey Map
dc.subjectUniversidad EAFIT. Escuela de Administración. Posgrados en Mercadeo - Docentes
dc.titleExperiencia de los docentes de Posgrados en Mercadeo de la Universidad EAFIT sede Medellín

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