Marco metodológico y plan de implementación del proceso de contact center para la empresa Droguerías UNO-A
2020Registro en:
658.812 G643
González Villegas, Julio César
Jaramillo Ramírez, Carlos Miguel
This degree work develops a methodological framework for the implementation of a contact center process at Droguerías UNO-A.
Initially, the current diagnosis of the company is carried out in the customer service process and the identification of the needs posed by the current trade of the sector dedicated to the marketing of health and beauty products, and of the consumer consumption trends. Once this information has been referenced through questionnaires, talks and interviews with some leaders of the sector, and has been supported in a frame of reference for the implementation of a contact center process, the methodological framework is developed to solve the problems that arise in organizations when addressing this type of initiatives. With this information, the company is suggested a plan that makes the process of implementing a customer service model based on contact center efficient.