Efectos de la implementación del Programa de Reconocimiento IR en el valor de mercado de las firmas
2018Registro en:
332.632 G516
Giraldo Gil, Mayra Alejandra
Checa Narváez, Karen Natalia
The objective of this paper is to perform an analysis of the effect that the implementation of the IR Recognition program has on the market value of the companies that are listed on the Colombian Stock Exchange and that decided to voluntarily apply compliance with best practices in such matters. such as: i) Relationship with investors, ii) Disclosure of information to investors and the market in general and iii) Corporate Governance -- It is expected, as a result of the implementation of this program, that the market value of the issuing companies have a positive reaction -- To verify this hypothesis, an event study was carried out with the 32 companies that are registered in the IR program of the Colombian Stock Exchange; the results of the event study showed that there were no positive abnormal returns in the prices of the shares of the companies, demonstrating, thus, the IR program was not captured, generally, by the market