Megatendencias que generan riesgos estratégicos en una empresa de tercerización de tecnología (ITO)
2019Registro en:
658.404 C422
Céspedes Rico, Andrea
Parra Hernandez, Anyery Yohana
This study has been developed to prioritize the megatrends that may generate strategic risks in a technology outsourcing company (ITO). This company, being in a sector of constant evolution and change, is of interest for an understanding of how
strategy is formed. The study was conducted, in part, by taking into consideration the megatrends identified by international consulting firms such as Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), together with those reported by The Global Risks
Report of the World Economic Forum (Collins, 2918; Marsh & McLennan Companies, Zurich Insurance Group & World Economic Forum, 2019). These sources are relevant as they produce annual reports which include an evaluation of the external environment through the study of different types of companies, together with the evaluation of different sectors. In order to identify the megatrends and to recognize the strategic risks that influence the company's case study, six semi-structured interviews were carried out with company executives. In order to select participants, the experience of each executive was taken into account, both in the formulation of the company's strategy and in the identification of strategic risks and evaluation of the external context.
The study concludes that the most influential megatrend for a technology outsourcing Company (ITO) is hyperconnectivity, as this is associated with quantity of information and ease of access to that information. As a result, one of the greatest strategic risks that this type of company has to face is in guaranteeing the security of the data it holds or the data that can be accessed through its services