Feminicidio en la prensa : mercado de información y género en Colombia
2019Registro en:
302.23 G633
Gómez-Mesa, Sara María
The media is the main source of information for the public. In fact, they can influence people's perceptions and everyday behaviour. However, are there biases in reporting femicides in the Colombian media? Is it possible that characteristics of the demand for information relate to the news reported in the media? Despite being a crime with high prevalence and great social impact, there are few academic studies that address these questions. This paper analyzes what factors relate to the probability of a femicide being published and its prominence in the Colombian print media. The evidence is based on information about women homicides reported by the Colombian National Police and their news in national media. I analyze whether a femicide was reported and in what amount given individual variables of homicide, victim and municipality of the crime. The results indicate that there is bias in selection according to characteristics of the municipality where the homicide was committed. The characteristics of the victim and the homicide are also influential to the prominence of the crime in the media. In a second stage, I study whether these media decisions vary after shocks on the demand for information. The estimations indicate that biases in the amount of news can be influenced by consumer preferences, while selection cannot. Finally,there are no changes in the total number of daily femicides due to the demand shocks. The results indicate in general a sensationalization of violence in this type of crimes as a result of the demand for information preferences.