Competencias que mejor predicen la calidad del desempeño de las personas que trabajan en organizaciones E-commerce colombiana
2022Registro en:
658.314 O659
Orduz Gómez, Natalia
Granados Gómez, Patricia Diana
Competencies have the ability to predict and explain the quality of performance. In turn, performance is a predictor of the organization's productivity. This also happens in E-commerce companies. Taking into account that in Colombia this type of company generates a significant proportion of employment and it is expected that it will increase in the future. The objective of this research is to explore the competencies that best predict the quality of performance of the people who work in this type of organization. To find out about them, (eight) E-commerce experts with experience of 2 or more years in the HR area were interviewed. Through content analysis, emerging categories were built that allowed discovering the competencies that best predict the quality of performance of the people who work in these organizations in Colombia. At the end, it is discussed how these findings contribute to E-commerce organizations, organizational leaders, collaborators and human resources areas, as input for selection processes, and training.