dc.contributorVergara Garavito, Judith Cecilia
dc.creatorRedondo Gómez, John Jairo
dc.creatorVásquez Ramírez, Ánderson
dc.identifier658.022 R319
dc.description.abstractIn this document, an evaluation is made of the determinants of the export behavior of SMEs belonging to the C1410 "Manufacture of clothing", sector that are part of the manufacturing industry in the period 2016-2020, based on the analysis of external and internal factors, that the literature identifies as possible variables on which the export levels of companies are based. This research is contextualized in the commercial policy of Colombia oriented towards the diversification of exports, as a solution to the problem of the high dependence that the country has on traditional exports, where SMEs play a fundamental role as drivers of said policy. For purposes of model estimation and analysis of financial variables, a sample made up of a homogeneous data series was obtained, where the criterion was the choice of those SMEs that had presented continuity in exports in each of the five periods (2016-2020), the sample was refined, removing the records that presented atypical data and that generated high dispersions, therefore, the final sample was 520 records (104 companies x 5 years = 520). In the end, it is concluded that the best estimation model is that of internal variables with an ar(1) structure, with the variables with the greatest individual significance being the internal ones, confirming that the export behavior of SMEs in the garment and clothing sector in Colombia is mainly determined by variables of a financial nature.
dc.publisherUniversidad EAFIT
dc.publisherMaestría en Administración Financiera
dc.publisherEscuela de Economía y Finanzas
dc.rightsAcceso abierto
dc.rightsTodos los derechos reservados
dc.subjectAnálisis financiero
dc.subjectDiversificación de exportaciones
dc.subjectPolítica comercial
dc.titleDeterminantes del comportamiento exportador de las Pymes pertenecientes al sector “Confección de prendas de vestir” en el periodo 2016-2020

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