¿Conviene crecer?
Lopera Villa, Mónica Cecilia
Companies develop their activity in a specific environment that is composed of a series of forces that have an impact on business activity, in this degree work we intend to review how these forces make a textile pyme in Colombia not remain static, that adapts to changes in the environment and evolves -- The current business world offers a lot of uncertainty, so the decision-making related to investment and growth should not be random, they should be planned and reviewed, for this the finances offer tools that facilitate decision making -- With more than 35 years in the market and an important experience, the company has gone through different stages, implementing strategies and actions which have been evidenced in the financial results and therefore in its indicators which have improved in recent years -- Hence the importance of continuing to grow without impair their results -- Then exercise of this degree work will be to assess the factors that facilitate or impede the development or growth of the company, conducting flow projections and determining the capital cost associated with the ultimate goal of using bussiness valuation as a tool to address the concern of whether It is good to grow up