dc.contributorRojas De Francisco, Laura Isabel
dc.creatorCastro Lozano, Juan Carlos
dc.creatorLleras Lozano, Mario Alberto
dc.identifier658.804 C355
dc.description.abstractThis study arose from the limited documentation on the gastronomic offer and its opportunities in Bogotá and sought to identify the gastronomic aspects that Bogotá has to contribute to a destination marketing strategy. It was an exploratory and mixed research, with a mostly descriptive component, which was supported by the analysis of structured and semi-structured interviews with people involved in the field of gastronomy and tourism, surveys of diners and secondary sources. Among the main findings of the field work, it is highlighted that Bogotá has the elements to consolidate itself as a gastronomic tourist destination, since in the city there is a varied culinary offer, the development of gastronomic products and of the food industry, the rise of market places, fairs and gastronomic outreach events, as well as culinary research and training centers. In addition, while tourists seek experiences related to local culture, nationals are interested in a sophisticated offer of foreign culinary options. This research suggested that the capital has yet to explore different destination marketing strategies based on the perceptions of residents, national visitors and international tourists, as well as messages that highlight the uniqueness of the city in terms of its gastronomic scene, areas and gastronomic routes, cultural diversity, tourist infrastructure, and the type of visitors it attracts. The above is constituted as a fundamental aspect for the positioning of Bogotá as a gastronomic destination worldwide. The present degree work presented limitations for its development due to the global pandemic of the coronavirus (COVID-19), which made it difficult to survey foreign visitors and tourists and affected the measurements regarding the evolution of tourism, consumption and the gastronomy sector, in the short and medium term.
dc.publisherUniversidad EAFIT
dc.publisherMaestría en Administración - MBA
dc.publisherEscuela de Administración. Departamento de Organización y Gerencia
dc.rightsAcceso abierto
dc.rightsTodos los derechos reservados
dc.subjectOferta gastronómica
dc.subjectDestino turístico gastronómico
dc.subjectMarketing de destino
dc.subjectTurismo gastronómico
dc.titleAporte de la estrategia del marketing de destino para el posicionamiento de Bogotá como destino gastronómico

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